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HomeCreston NewsOlivia Kettle on her Junior Citizen of the Year Award

Olivia Kettle on her Junior Citizen of the Year Award

A natural born leader, Olivia Kettle tries her best to stay humble while also listing her achievements to secure scholarships.

That list is long.

Having won the Junior Citizen of the Year Award during this year’s Blossom Fest, it’s no secret that the Prince Charles Secondary graduate has been busy.

“I used to be kind of a more reserved and shy person,” Kettle shares how it all started. “In the last couple years, I’ve really gone out of my comfort zone and done quite a few things.”

She currently sits on the Board of Education as a Student Trustee.  Kettle served as a Youth Representative on the Community Fire Hall Advisory Select Committee, having voted on key issues.

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She is also a gymnastics coach for the Creston Valley Gymnastics Club and has been since 2014.

“That helped me get out of my shell a little bit and gave me really important leadership qualities that I apply to all these other activities.”

The Honor Roll student also made time to be on the Senior Girl’s soccer team the past two years.

Now Kettle says she has her sights on University of Lethbridge.

“I will have two majors. One in dramatic Arts and one in Education. So I’ll end up working as a high school drama teacher.”

Balancing work, play and giving back to the community while also figuring out where the finish line is all contributed to her winning the Junior Citizen of the Year Award. Kettle says she believes she is a natural born leader, which gives her the drive to apply herself.

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